Security Guard Services

Where was the last place you saw a security guard? Was it in the lobby of your office building? Or maybe at the mall? These are both important places for security guards to be protecting, but did you know that security guards are on the front lines helping emergency personnel at disasters, protecting students and youth groups while traveling abroad, and participating in the fight defense.

Maybe you’re having a problem at your business with employee theft or you’re afraid to leave your construction site unattended at night with all that expensive construction equipment. You might be planning a big event and need crowd control or require personal protection. Whatever your security needs might be, you want to hire a security guard services company that has extensive experience and expertise with a proven track record in protecting people and property. At National Security Service (NSS), protecting you is what we do best. Our guards are professionally trained, reliable, punctual and licensed.

According to research findings, 82 percent of people have stopped doing business with a company because of bad customer service. We’ll assign one of our dedicated security co-ordinators to work with you to answer your questions and take care of all the details for you.

We’re confident in the abilities of our guards and we want you to be too. We firmly believe that customer service should be a major consideration when choosing security guard services.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Security Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.