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Cheap guard services often use unqualified personnel. In this bad economy, many guard companies have lowered hiring costs by employing non-security trained personnel. Many cheap security guards don’t know how to interact with the public. This causes all sorts of issues and embarrassments. Find security companies that personally train their guards to be professionals.

Overaggressive guards, lazy guards, absent guards … it all happens because many cheap companies don’t provide in-field supervision. This can lead to security mistakes and errors because there is a lack of inspection and control. The company is probably offering cheap prices because they’re not properly insured. Here’s the bottom line … if the guard company does not have proper insurance, you could get sued if a mistake happens. Double-check their compensation insurance and liability coverage. 

You get what you pay for. Going cheap gets you rag-tag security guards. Many cheap services often use old cars and security equipment that could make them useless should an emergency arise. Cheap guard services hire a transient workforce that’s unreliable. They don’t show up for work.

The company is probably offering cheap prices because they’re not properly insured. If the guard company does not have proper insurance, you could get sued if a mistake happens. You get what you pay for.

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Emergency Medical Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.