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Security Guard Services

Where was the last place you saw a security guard? Was it in the lobby of your office building? Or maybe at the mall? These are both important places for security guards to be protecting, but did you know that security guards are on the front lines helping emergency personnel at disasters, protecting students and youth groups while traveling abroad, and participating in the fight defense.

Maybe you’re having a problem at your business with employee theft or you’re afraid to leave your construction site unattended at night with all that expensive construction equipment. You might be planning a big event and need crowd control or require personal protection. Whatever your security needs might be, you want to hire a security guard services company that has extensive experience and expertise with a proven track record in protecting people and property. At National Security Service (NSS), protecting you is what we do best. Our guards are professionally trained, reliable, punctual and licensed.

According to research findings, 82 percent of people have stopped doing business with a company because of bad customer service. We’ll assign one of our dedicated security co-ordinators to work with you to answer your questions and take care of all the details for you.

We’re confident in the abilities of our guards and we want you to be too. We firmly believe that customer service should be a major consideration when choosing security guard services.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Security Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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Your Protection Our Priority

The shrill sound of the fire alarm startles everyone in your office. You quickly leave your desk and follow your fellow workers into the hallway. All of you hurry down the stairs and out into the lobby. You breathe a sigh of relief as you see the security guards calmly assisting people and helping them evacuate the building safely.

Can you imagine the panic and chaos if the building management hadn’t enlisted the services of professionally trained guards from a top-notch security guard company?Our Security Service keeping people safe is our number one priority as well as protecting your property from fire, theft and vandalism. We understand why hiring security Officers is important in today’s turbulent world. As one of the leading providers of security guard services protecting you is our top priority.

Etiam ac pharetra turpis. Integer nec pulvinar ipsum. Donec egestas commodo purus ut fermentum. Praesent orci neque, rutrum sed condimentum vitae, tincidunt sit amet elit. Etiam vel imperdiet erat. Pellentesque eget odio quis ex ornare eleifend.

Protecting you is what we do best. For top-level security guard services that provide you with protection and peace of mind, choose our Security Service. Our security guard services protecting you is our top priority.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Security Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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Executive Protection With Executive Security

Can you imagine the panic and chaos if the building management hadn’t enlisted the services of professionally trained guards from a top-notch security guard company? keeping people safe is our number one priority as well as protecting your property from fire, theft and vandalism. We understand why hiring security Officers is important in today’s turbulent world.

You may need security guards for multiple locations requiring different security duties and responsibilities. Researching several names of security guard companies and hiring more than one service to handle your various security needs may not be the best way to spend your time and money.  We offer a variety of commercial, retail, residential and personal protection services on a short or long term basis both locally and nationwide. Developing a solid working relationship with one security guard company makes sense.

Etiam ac pharetra turpis. Integer nec pulvinar ipsum. Donec egestas commodo purus ut fermentum. Praesent orci neque, rutrum sed condimentum vitae, tincidunt sit amet elit. Etiam vel imperdiet erat. Pellentesque eget odio quis ex ornare eleifend.

Protecting you is what we do best. For top-level security guard services that provide you with protection and peace of mind. Developing a solid working relationship with one security guard company makes sense.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Security Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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Responsibilities Of Security Guard

When it comes to the issue of office building commercial security services, the need for working with a security guard company that consistently delivers professionalism, reliability, and competence has never been greater. Today’s world is simply too fraught with threats for anything else, experts say.

Commercial security guards — including both armed and unarmed guards, and every facet of uniformed security guards service. The trick for building managers, however, is in selecting the right security guard company to provide the service and protection each facility needs. A good starting point, of course, is to make sure you are doing business with a reputable, experienced and proven security guard service, which has established itself as a leader in the field.

Etiam ac pharetra turpis. Integer nec pulvinar ipsum. Donec egestas commodo purus ut fermentum. Praesent orci neque, rutrum sed condimentum vitae, tincidunt sit amet elit. Etiam vel imperdiet erat. Pellentesque eget odio quis ex ornare eleifend.

One advantage of working with a top tier company, is that they will pair you with a Security Coordinator to be your dedicated point person in all matters, taking much of the detail of managing security off your plate and freeing you for your primary job.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Security Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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Cheap guard services often use unqualified personnel. In this bad economy, many guard companies have lowered hiring costs by employing non-security trained personnel. Many cheap security guards don’t know how to interact with the public. This causes all sorts of issues and embarrassments. Find security companies that personally train their guards to be professionals.

Overaggressive guards, lazy guards, absent guards … it all happens because many cheap companies don’t provide in-field supervision. This can lead to security mistakes and errors because there is a lack of inspection and control. The company is probably offering cheap prices because they’re not properly insured. Here’s the bottom line … if the guard company does not have proper insurance, you could get sued if a mistake happens. Double-check their compensation insurance and liability coverage. 

You get what you pay for. Going cheap gets you rag-tag security guards. Many cheap services often use old cars and security equipment that could make them useless should an emergency arise. Cheap guard services hire a transient workforce that’s unreliable. They don’t show up for work.

The company is probably offering cheap prices because they’re not properly insured. If the guard company does not have proper insurance, you could get sued if a mistake happens. You get what you pay for.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Medical Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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Spot Bad Security Companies

Thankfully, you don’t need special x-ray glasses to spot a terrible company. Pay attention to these five signs and you’ll be able to separate the good from the bad. Unprofessional Appearance, If the guards dress like unruly teenagers in unkempt and dirty uniforms. Find a company that provides professional looking guards with good personal appearance and clean uniforms.

Old Equipment does their security car look like it’s straight off the set. Security guard companies that take a duct tape approach to their equipment should be avoided at all costs. Lack of Referrals this is a major red flag. A good security guard company should be able to provide a glowing list of referrals and testimonials. Check the referral list before you hire any company. Complaints with Licensing Agencies is the company’s grade with the Better Business Bureau. Thoroughly comb through all state and local agencies for any complaints.

Etiam ac pharetra turpis. Integer nec pulvinar ipsum. Donec egestas commodo purus ut fermentum. Praesent orci neque, rutrum sed condimentum vitae, tincidunt sit amet elit. Etiam vel imperdiet erat. Pellentesque eget odio quis ex ornare eleifend.

Don’t use a company that hires any Joe off the street. Find a security guard company that hires people with a security background and security training.  Check the referral list before you hire any company.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Security Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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3 Security Mistakes Your Company Is Making

You’ve invested a lot of time and energy to successfully manage your business. Your accounting department has top-notch employees overseeing the financial aspects of the business, your sales people are knocking on doors, and your support staff are excellent employees. The production team and plant people are hard workers. Sounds like your business should be thriving, but why is your bottom line decreasing. Companies like yours may be making serious and costly security mistakes.

You’re leaving your company open to theft by not hiring unarmed security guards. Expensive laptops, construction materials, and merchandise may be too employees. our security guards watch your premises and are a visible deterrent to would-be thieves.

You may believe that because your building’s location is in a low crime area or you’re familiar with most of the people that come into your business that you and your employees are moderately safe.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Medical Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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Truth About Private Security Companies

Movies tend to portray security guards as overweight, middle-aged men sleeping behind their desks who couldn’t chase a suspect if their lives depended on it. Private security firms are constantly trying to debunk the “Hollywood” perception of security guards. The truth is professional security guards play a vital role in protecting people in today’s often unsafe world. With the increasing threat of terrorism and violence, top-level security companies are stepping up to the plate and making a difference in the lives of the people they protect.

Private security guards are licensed security professionals. Armed or unarmed, they deserve respect and recognition for the important contribution. Security guards often find themselves in dangerous situations putting their own lives on the line protecting other people.

Private security guards can think fast, assess danger and react quickly to potentially harmful situations. A guard providing personal protection is an expert at anticipating and identifying threats.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Medical Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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Security Guard Hire From Security Company

You don’t have to worry about dealing with lots of different contacts with a national security guard company. As mentioned earlier, you have one point of contact. This helps to save on time and money as well as making administration fast and efficient. When you have any questions or need to make changes to your plan, it’s very easy to get a hold of one person as opposed to several in different parts of the country. It’s all done through one contact.

That’s because you’re not dealing with several companies with different security protocols and procedures. All security guards are trained the same way. Additionally, you don’t have to deal with different security contacts in different locations. One centralized point person handles it all.

You’ll lower your costs, while getting better service in any market. When searching for companies, be sure to do your research. You want to find a security company that can deliver on what it promises.

Morbi congue gravida pharetra. Integer ac mi placerat, luctus dui eget, cursus enim. Praesent pharetra enim ornare facilisis rhoncus. Proin luctus ante eget nunc laoreet, in fringilla eros dapibus. Vivamus quis odio ac enim tincidunt blandit. Ut libero quam, tempus scelerisque sapien placerat, bibendum auctor orci. Vivamus diam urna, porta vel erat ac, suscipit dapibus leo.

Emergency Medical Services

Curabitur mattis tincidunt aliquet. Nullam consequat interdum sollicitudin. Fusce at mi est. Vivamus feugiat est ut blandit consequat. Donec ante metus, lacinia vitae consequat eget, luctus et risus. Praesent eget convallis sapien. Suspendisse at metus cursus, porta arcu vitae, porttitor neque. Proin vel interdum erat, id facilisis diam.


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